My Life... Crazy, Interesting, and Fun

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

R.I.P Croc Hunter

The world has lost one of the most entertaining Australian bloke's there is.
I mean, who else in their right mind would jump into a swamp to try and catch a crocodile?
At least he died doing what he loved.. Chasing after the deadliest creatures in the desert for fun!

I loved watching Steve Irwin's show and trying to figure out what the hell he was saying.

"G'Day mates, Ah crikey.. Isn't she a beaut!"

Here is some Aussie Glossie..

*Balls up- mistake
*Codswallop- nonsense
*Crikey- expression of surprise
*Dingo's Breakfast- A yawn, a leak and a good look around
*Dinky Di- the real thing
*Dunny- outside lavatory
*Hoo roo- good bye

The desert won't be the same!


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