Rock Glen

It started off to be a beautiful sunny day and then the clouds moved in. It was still a perfect day for wonderful picture taking.
Here is just a sample of my picture taking abilities.. Oh how I wished I had an expensive camera with a zoom that goes for miles.
Maybe Santa can help me out.
I really enjoy taking pictures. I find it peaceful and rewarding when my pictures turn out wonderful. Just look at the colours.. Isn't FALL FANTASTIC?

jenni - those are beautiful!!
you should talk to your wonderful, generous brother about those camera wishes ;)
or you can have my camera when i get my dslr!!
What the hell is a dslr??
Matt isn't willing to share his camera. He has more money than f*&king brains so he buys things he never uses.. But if I want to use it, god forbid..
I am hoping that Santa hears my wishes, and helps me out. He doesnt have to bring the whole camera, maybe just enough to cover half!!
Digital Single Lense Reflex......i think that is what matt has actually. that's my next wish.
i'm sure santa will hear you ;)
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