My Life... Crazy, Interesting, and Fun

Saturday, November 11, 2006

What's happened to today's kids???

I have a few kids in my class that are really beginning to get under my skin, and frankly there is nothing I can do.. URGH

I am not naming any names but use initials for those who know who I am talking about, but the "C" family need to focus on the 3 year old they have and not bring that new innocent baby into the world. Clearly they have visible issues with their precious little "J" that need to be dealt with ASAP.

I got hit in the head with a hard cover book on friday and it happened right infront of the dad. Instead of getting down to the child's level and asking what's wrong, why are they freaking out, don't hit Jennifer with the book..He just left. didn't apologize for his son's actions and didn't reason with his son.

I am just so frustrated with children's behaviours these days. Now a days we have to bribe the children to come to day care and to leave..

"Oh honey I have a treat for you in the car, OR, "oh if you listen to mommy we can go to McDonalds.

If you are fighting with your child in the hallway to put on their coat and they won't.. take your child and their coat and head to the car. If it is minus 10 degrees outside they will soon realize that they should have put on their coat.

I am not too sure what kind of child I was growing up through the preschool years, but I can tell you things were different.

Any comments. pass them along.. I'm talking to you Heather and Deb Tack..

* stressed


Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you read barbara colorosso? try teaching them when they know everything! you get them at a great age!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006  

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