My Life... Crazy, Interesting, and Fun

Sunday, December 03, 2006

digging out the decorations

While I was digging out the christmas decorations, I found my day care things: books, hats, songs, puppets.
I found my really cute book that is funny for kids but has some really great adult humor.
Here is on of the stories!

Something in my brothers underpants
(tune of Winter Wonderland)
Doorbell rings ,Gee who is it?
Party guests, come to visit
The mood is so swell, but what is that smell?
Something in my brother's underpants.
Now I dont like complaining
But my dad is entertaining
The guests and my mom, dont smell the stink bomb
Something's in my brother's underpants.
From the basement we can hear the laughter
Parents sharing cheer while eggnog flows
Christmas songs are ringing from the rafter
How can I sing and hold my nose?
Upstairs it's super-duper
This kid's a party pooper
Mom, please don't deck the halls, come change his overalls
There's something in my brother's underpants.
I love it.. The kids get a kick from the pictures, and the lyrics help pass the time during a long day with 2 year olds.


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