My Life... Crazy, Interesting, and Fun

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

For all my fellow E.C.E'S

If you have a tension headache, do what it says on the Tylenol bottle:
'Take 2 Tylenol and keep away from children'
Have a wonderful day ladies...and gents!


Friendship isn't always easily described.
Instead of different words, we're stuck with simple adjectives..

close friend
best friend
childhood friend
trusted friend
beloved friend

Friends are special people.
We can't pick our family and we're sorely limited in the number of them at any rate.

But our friends can be as diverse an infinite as the adjectives we choose.
Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life.

I'd like to thank all my 'friends' that I have had, and have now for making my life real,fun,interesting,sad,happy,and every description word you can think of.

Thanks for all the laughs!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Year 2006

This year I have decided to take the time to really learn more about me!
It's hard to do because I am the type of person to put others before me.
Whenever I had extra money, I wouldn't spend it on me, I would spend on others.
(Imagine all the things I would have right now!)

Well I have a small list of things I want to accomplish/learn before the year is over.

1. Go to the top of the CN TOWER - heights are a scary thing for me
2. Go on an UPSIDE DOWN ROLLER COASTER - again heights AHHH
3. Learn to drive STANDARD
4. Rollerblade without falling

these are just a few, I'm sure there will be more as the months approach...
If anyone can help me out with anything it would be great.

(Katie, can you teach me standard on our lunch???!!)
(Jenna, let's rollerblade on lunch!!! but without falling!!)


My Favorites....


Film - The Burbs (Tom Hanks)

Music - All but classical

Song - S.O.S ( at the moment)

Band - ??

Person - My Parents

Quote - "Dance as though no one is watching you,
Love as though you have never been hurt before
Sing as though no one can hear you
Live as though heaven is on earth."

Place to
party - Anywhere there's a good time

Place to
relax - In the sun

Place to
vacation - At the COTTAGE


"Bill's Cottage".. home away from home

Every summer since I was a little girl we would pack up the station wagon with our coolers, bags, sleeping bags, pillows, chilren, dog, boat and beer and make the long 4 hour drive north to "Bill's Cottage".
Bill's Cottage isn't your typical cottage. There's NO electricity, NO running water, and NO toilet. Just big rocks, a generator and love.
Once you arrive there's a routine.
* Dad has a beer, turn on outside propane, turn on fridge, open windows, unpack belongings from car, prep the indoor JOHNNY ON THE SPOT, hop in your suit and hit the frigid ice cold LAKE HURON. It's fantastic!!
Of course every year now that we are older, the routine changes. We (Matt and Jenni) have the beer, usually swim first, then unpack everything.
Our time spent at the cottage is so realxing. Listening to the waves crash against the rocks, boats in the distance, seagulls, catching crayfish, looking for toads, frogs, and snakes.
Fishing off the rocks with dad. Painting rocks with mom.
Watching Dad and Bill fix things and laughing when it doesn't work ( cement in the lake...Squirt)
Lion's Head fireworks, sand castle competition, and Marina.
Glass bottom boat to Flower Pot Island, Colonel Clarkes, Sandy Beach, Going for walks, BATS, POSION IVY, Sunsets, J.C. Canucks, The Cat's Meow, Collecting rocks (what's this look like?)
Spending time with friends, family, and nature.
I am fortunate to have this special place I call HOME AWAY FROM HOME!
Thank you Bill for all the wonderful memories and fun times the CRAZY CAMERONS have enjoyed up north at BILL'S COTTAGE !!
* jenni

Sunday, May 21, 2006

May 2-4 2006

May 2-4 Long weekend 2006

Well, another Long weekend has come and gone. Fun times had by all.

It started with a house party in Woodstock..(anyone want a Lumpkin?????)
Our friends Nunya and Chinchas were there too!!! (Oh Matty, you're crazy)
Then we hit Port Stanley for some MACKIES and to walk in the water. We also went to see the Elephant. I haven't been to the Elephant in a very long time. It brought back some very wonderful memories.

Saturday night we hit a few local establishments. My new favourite drink is a purple sore ass.
Down Town Kathy Browns was alot of fun. Good music, good laughs. FREE T SHIRT!!!
I was sporting a FRESH FM tee all night.
Napolean Dynamite was there too. Nice moves...and Velcro Shoes.. That's hot!!
Safe trip home Laura.. It was grand. I found the picture..we were so cute. Chat soon!

Then on Sunday it was Port Huron day!!! On the road having some laughs, and poof... burning oil
BURN BABY BURN... Oh Billy had some choice words.. It was great. Standing on the 402 with Kathy, her mom, her dad, and her very pregnant sister sucking back some fumes. Not one person stopped to see if we needed anything. Assholes...

So we called the OPP. They called a cab and a tow truck. Bill went back to Dorchester with the Van and the girls waited with the OPP for our cab. (Steve O'Brian was the friendly and very cute Officer who let us sit in his car to stay warm).. 10- 4, Roger that.
We were probably the most excitement he'd seen this weekend.

So thanks to my very kind, loving "brother" GARNET we arrived back in London.
Thank you so much Garnet, you are the best!!! Love ya!

*j (pictures to follow)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Happy Mother's day Mom! I love You

Melissa's Bachelorette... Oh my

This summer I have two weddings.. Melissa V, and Melissa K. I can't wait.
Well yesterday was Melissa V's bachelorette. What an adventure.
We met for lunch at TJ Baxters. We enjoyed our lunch, and were assigned teams. At exactly 2 o'clock we were handed our Scavenger Hunt List and we were off. We ran to the car and started.
So my mom was our teams driver. It started off pretty crappy. She stalled my car twice and tried to shift gears with my WINDSHIELD WIPERS.. AHH GET OUT OF THE DRIVERS SEAT.. I'M F**KING DRIVING.. Then we were off!!! Somewhat like the amazing race.
So some of the tasks were:

get 1 shoelace... 5 points
get a body part pierced..... 75 points
pour a coffee at Tim Hortons...50 points
bowl a strike...15 points
get behind the counter and make a hamburger at mc d's...50 points
make the perfect cone at mc d's.... 30 points
collect 3 coasters....5 points
get a pair of boxers from a guy... 20 points
get a tatoo.... 100 points
go for a ride in a shopping cart.. 40 points
do a chinese fire drill...25 points
walk someone else's dog...5 points
do 3 shooter's that begin with M E L...15 points
shake your bootie at richmond and dundas...25 points
pose with a manican.. 25 points
do a song and dance of the backstreet boys in the band shell at Victoria Park..15 points

So the list goes on. We tallied 715 points which brought us in second place.
But what we accomplished..... MELISSA GOT A REAL TATOO
Everyone else had fake tatoos.. We do things right!!!! It hurt like hell and took alot of time but what the f**k. We had a lot of fun... Pictures are to follow..
The night continued at the Martini bar, Downtown Kathy Browns, Poachers Arms and Gt's..
OH, the head aches... Congrats Melissa V.. See you in two weeks.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

We tried on a pair of our friend Trudy's sunglasses. I feel like MC Mario and Kathy looks like Chris Shepard. Now we definitleylook like we fit in at 181 Posted by Picasa
The round look is in this season.... but I don't think hot pink and orange are...
Oh the things we do for fun......

Farwell Friends from Down Under!!

Our Aussie friends have left for home.
Their time in Canada has come to an end.
We had a lot of fun hanging with the crazy blokes and shelia.
It was interesting listening to their accent, and trying to figure out what the hell they were saying!!!
I enjoyed learning about their country and watching them enjoy ours...
Thanks for all the fun nights. Keep in touch!!!

Kathy and I put together a small care package for their departure. Canada flag playing cards, canadian flag bottle opener, magnet, pens, frisbee, football, and a canadian umbrella hat.