My Life... Crazy, Interesting, and Fun

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Jenni's Christmas List

Dear santa, I've been a good girl this year.
I promise.. What, I haven't?? There must be 2 Jennifer Cameron's because that's impossible!!!
Jenni's Christmas List 2006
Nikon D50 Digital SLR (on sale for $699.99.. great deal eh? Even Santa can't afford that)
Blank Cd's for my illegal downloading
Socks.. my feet get cold
Computer Printer
Ink for computer printer
Computer desk unit.. Has doors to hide computer, Walmart, $ (i think) $ 169.00
(I'll pay half Santa!!!)
Walmart Gift card
Grocery Store gift card (NO FRILLS, I can walk)
Anything to do with Stamping.. (mom, you'll know)
Walk the Line DVD
to be continued...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

401, 407, 404..aka STRESS HIGHWAY

So, a few girls and I from work attended a workshop in Auora on saturday. Ya, Auroa.. Just past Markham, I swear it's on the map!

We had a hotel room in Markham on friday and headed to the workshop saturday morning.

Getting to Markham though was a task in it's self. I have driven the 400 series before but Guelph is the farthest I've gotten.

I mean, Toronto is so confusing. There are like 500 lanes both ways. You have an express lane, a collectors lane, the middle lane, the lane where people break down or have their car set on fire.. ( yes, we saw a car on fire.. )

Thank god I had a great navigator who knows Toronto well. I would have ended up in Timbukto, swearing like a trucker.

Glad to be back safe and sound, and won't be back to Toronto anytime soon.. Unless I'm the passenger!!


Sunday, November 12, 2006

November is...

November is Diabetes Awarness Month.

My brother has had diabetes since he was 2. He has had a long tough go with it, but has manged to get through it. We've had a few scares along the way, but it comes with the disease. Sugars UP and DOWN.. Pretty scary.

There are pro's and con's to having diabetes.. At halloween time Matt traded his candy for money. I always got the candy. Maybe I should have voted for cash too. Matt is tall and thin, and it looks like I've had too much candy! LOL

It was hard for him though seeing all his friends eating their treats on the school yard at recess, but hey Matt had more money than them all. But there were a few times I'd see him on the hill snacking on a chocolate. (he probably bought it off someone)

When we would go out for dinner as a family, Mom would always say.. "We have a diabetic with us". I don't remeber if it got us a table faster, but I think I might use that line myself next time I go out to eat.

Everytime we went to grandma's for dinner everyone in the family would always say " has Matt done his needle?" It probably got really annoying to him, actually I know it was annoying to him.

As Matt got older, he turned against his diabetes, and really hurt himself. He would have horrible reactions with low and high sugars.
At our cousins wedding he passed right out before the reception. Split his lip and missed a really good dinner!!

It didn't help though that prom was the night before and, well shall we say was pretty hung over. Any typical teenager wakes up the next morning and the thought of food turns their stomach. Well for a diabetic you can't forget to eat. He did and crashed. Made for a great wedding story for holly and Shawn!

Matt presented the Queen Mother with flowers when she came to London to unveil the Flame Of Hope. For anyone who doesn't know what the Flame is, it is a gas burning flame that will stay lit until a cure is found. It was a really nice day that day and the Queen Mother had several different hats. One for the reveal, one for tea, and many more. What an honour it was for my brother.

Anyways what I am trying to get at is, donate to the Canadian Diabetes Association to help find a cure for not only my brother but for all the other Diabetics out there.


When will it SNOW???

I really would like to know, when is it going to SNOW?

It's cold enough damnit..
I am just so excited to watch the snow fall from my balcony.
When I lived in the basement apartment, I would wake up to the windows covered to the top of snow. Now I am going to wake up to see the snow on the ground.

I can't wait to play in the snow with the kids at work. We have the perfect little hill in our back yard that is great for sledding. I think I have more fun than the children actually. Instead of me pushing them down the hill, they push me.. HAHAHA

Anyways, I can't wait for the snow to fall. I am really hoping for a white Christmas. Not just a light covering to make the grass disappear, I mean 6 feet of fluffy white stuff!

It's great being a winter canadian!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

What's happened to today's kids???

I have a few kids in my class that are really beginning to get under my skin, and frankly there is nothing I can do.. URGH

I am not naming any names but use initials for those who know who I am talking about, but the "C" family need to focus on the 3 year old they have and not bring that new innocent baby into the world. Clearly they have visible issues with their precious little "J" that need to be dealt with ASAP.

I got hit in the head with a hard cover book on friday and it happened right infront of the dad. Instead of getting down to the child's level and asking what's wrong, why are they freaking out, don't hit Jennifer with the book..He just left. didn't apologize for his son's actions and didn't reason with his son.

I am just so frustrated with children's behaviours these days. Now a days we have to bribe the children to come to day care and to leave..

"Oh honey I have a treat for you in the car, OR, "oh if you listen to mommy we can go to McDonalds.

If you are fighting with your child in the hallway to put on their coat and they won't.. take your child and their coat and head to the car. If it is minus 10 degrees outside they will soon realize that they should have put on their coat.

I am not too sure what kind of child I was growing up through the preschool years, but I can tell you things were different.

Any comments. pass them along.. I'm talking to you Heather and Deb Tack..

* stressed

Friday, November 10, 2006

Katie and Abe.. tied the knot..

Beautiful ceremony, fun reception, a fun filled day of family friends and love.

Congrats to you both!

Red.. the colour of love, support,care,etc, etc

Today the whole center wore RED to show our support for our TROOPS.

Here we are the Juniors and Seniors infront of the Seniors very early undecorated christmas tree.

It was hard to explain to the children why we were all wearing red, but in years to come they will soon realize how wonderful it is to be Canadian.

Thank you to all the soldiers for helping.

Take care, and we are thinking of you! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Congrats Katie and Abe, the big day is finally here.

I am so happy for you both! You are a wonderful couple, and I know for sure that you will have a happy healthy long married life.

Thanks for letting us share in your special day!!
Love Jenni

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

55 years and counting

Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandapa!

I had a lovely time at dinner and am so happy that after all these years you are still so much in Love.

Here's to many more years with eachother!

*jenni Posted by Picasa