A few updates on the new place...
I live on the Geriatric floor of the building. All my neighbours are over the age of 65..
There's pro's and con's to living near old people.
They aren't loud..They don't keep me up late at night having sex, they bake all the time so the halls smell like bread and cookies rather than vomit, booze and pot..
Miss Mada lives down the hall and her wheel chair always get cought in the elevator. I hear her calling for help, and help her everytime.. The nosey little grey hair across the hall always watches me enter and exit the elevator every morning.. It reminds of the movie the Burbs with Tom Hanks.. or Groundhog day with Bill Murray.. I stand waiting to see the peep hole become dark, then I wave to her and the peep hole shows light again quickly.. Just come out and say hi for god sakes, and bring me some COOKIES...
The elevators have freakin minds of their own.. Stopping whenever, floors not meeting up, and doors not opening when you have a arms load.. When looking at the elevators, choose the right side..
Other than that...
I am really enjoying my new place.
Feel free to come and visit anytime..