My Life... Crazy, Interesting, and Fun
Friday, March 09, 2007
New job
It is so stress free, and fun.
It's nice to go to work and be happy. It had been awhile since I had that feeling.
The children are awesome and so are the families. My co-workers are great and so is my director.
My first week there I was on the early shift. I was really nervous. i don't know why, but I was. I got over it really quick after I met everyone. I think maybe it was because I realized that Monday morning I wasn't driving to Stoneybrook.
I will visit a few more times to get my hugs from the kids. i sure do miss them and working with Katrina!
Sarah and Landon

I went for a visit the other day, it had been a wile since we had seen eachother last.
Her little man is so precious, and a great baby.
Sarah is such a wonderful mom. she loves that baby with all her heart.
It was a nice visit and I hope to have another one soon.
I miss my RASCAL

I went back to visit the kids last week and got all the hugs I could get. I immediatley ran over to Rascal's cage and got him out for a snuggle.
Katrina said that rascal must really miss me because he has been biting her when she holds him and that he runs when she picks him up. When i reached in the cage i was talking to him and he stood still and then snuggled right into my neck.
AWWWW, I can hear you say it!!
I know he is being loved, Katrina loves him just as much as I do.
Well, I hope we can get a guinea pig for my new room.

Cheese! I am in florida. I really truly had a great time. It was nice to get away before starting a new job.
Florida Trip

I went to Bradenton, Florida with a family that I babysit for.
I had a great time. The weather was perfect (until the day we left) and the beach was fabulous.
Did some shopping to find some great deals, ate at some really great restaurants, walked the beach, swam in the ocean, relaxed by the pool at the condo, went fishing and saved a sea horse.
Flew first class coming home all by myself like a big girl!
Glad to be home with friends and family!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
New Job

Well my time at stoneybrook Day Care has officially come to an end. I have accepted a new position at a London Childrens Connection Center, White Oaks Public school.
I am very excited for a new start. I can't wait.
I am going to miss my class. i have some great kids, and a wonderful co-worker. I am very sad to leave.

We filled up the tub just a little and went to town. He didnt mind it, but he didnt like his front paws being under water. He kept lifting up his paws and shaking the water off. The kids just went wild with laughter. But the funniest part of his bath was when he took a crap. Isn't he just so cute.
Valentines Day

Valentines Day is always a stressful time in day care. 16 kids with 16 valentines for all of their 16 friends.. AHHH
But this valentines day was great. Katrina and I organized the cards as they came in and the kids took home a nice package.
We took a group shot of us all in red.
Happy Valentines Day Juniors! I love you!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Katrina and I are heading to IKEA this sunday. I can't wait. I always have such a list when I go, but this time around it's pretty short. I am adding to my collection of black frames, nik nak things, bath room acessories etc..
If anyone who reads this blog needs anything, let me know..
HEATHER C and DEBBIE T I'm talking to you!!!
I am so excited for the Bare Naked Ladies concert on February 15, 2007
I love all the old songs, and the new songs. I have seen them perform once before in Sarnia at Bay Fest. That was an experience because it was an outdoor venue.
I have been to only one concert at the John Labatt Center. BLACK EYE PEAS
That was awesome.
Anyways, I will have pictures and details about the night.
What do we need to know about you?
I love coca cola.
What do you like about your friends?
they make me laugh.
Favorite singer?
A cardinal.
What's your favorite line?
The horizon.
Name someone you never want to meet.
Richard simmons.
What do you believe in?
If you could take only one thing before you left the planet, what would you take?
My sense of humor.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Silver City..
So, was going to go see Catch and Release with some friends friday night.
I got caught up with something, and arrived at the theater at 10:00pm. The movie started at 9:55. The guy at the ticket desk wouldn't sell me a ticket because the movie had already started and that the only seats left were house seats. So the question is, HOW DO I GET A TICKET FOR THE HOUSE SEATS?
So I asked to speak to the manager. The ticket guy said "he's busy". I said I have friends in there saving me a seat as we speak. He replied with I can't sell you a ticket. So I left, in a huff.
Kathy informed after the movie that there were ample seats throughout the theater.
What a dick. He ruined my night, he really did.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
The change...
So it's happening. I am going through the change. Not the menopausal change, (although living in an apartment with no heat control, I feel like I am) I mean the brown hair turning grey hair change.
Every night before bed and every morning before work I find myself plucking grey's from my head. WHAT THE HELL??? I'll be 27 in march and am not liking this at all.
My dad is Salt and Pepper (somewhat like Richard Gear.. HAHA) And my mom has a few.. (but thanks to L'Oreal you'd never tell!!)
I don't know what to do. I am beginning to hate dying my hair. It is so thick that one bottle of dye just won't cut it. I can't afford two boxes of color. So I am going to continue to pluck, even though when you pluck one, three more grow back. I'll just have to take those chances.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
It is my brothers 24th birthday!
24 years ago I was just a small 3 year old little girl who was happy to have a mommy and a daddy. I don't know if I wanted a sibling, and don't know how happy I was to get one.. But who knew that 24 years later I would be friends with that sibling.
We went out for Matthew's birthday to GT'S and did some dancing. (the sprinkler and the running man came out of retirement, as they usually do with Matthew).
It was a lot of fun. There were a few sibling quarrels but he got back what he gave. And thank you to his girlfriend who gave it back too.
Happy 24th Shithead! Love ya