My Life... Crazy, Interesting, and Fun

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Happy Halloween

I wasn't very creative with this year's halloween costume.
We decided to go as nurses. Our names are what was the creative thing of our costume.
Jackie was TESS TICKLE, RN
and Don was BEN DOVER, MD

We went to Winks for live entertainment, big mother fu*&ing glasses, and a $100 prize for the best costume. A pimp won best prize.

Sarah, my Fanshawe student dressed as a construction worker. Nice pylons Sarah.

Adam, the owner of the bar, dressed as Homer Simpson. He had the bar in stitches with his dance moves and duff beer bottle.
Thanks for a fun night WINKS!

There were tons of great costumes out there Saturday night. I have some really good ideas for next year!

Happy Halloween everyone.

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We cleaned the guts out of our Pumpkin. It was fun. we counted seed, squeezed them through our hands, and roasted them in the oven.

We will be designing our face on Monday.

Messy activities are the best! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 14, 2006


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Rock Glen

I was invited to joing the Workentin family for a drive to Rock Glen for the day.

It started off to be a beautiful sunny day and then the clouds moved in. It was still a perfect day for wonderful picture taking.

Here is just a sample of my picture taking abilities.. Oh how I wished I had an expensive camera with a zoom that goes for miles.

Maybe Santa can help me out.

I really enjoy taking pictures. I find it peaceful and rewarding when my pictures turn out wonderful. Just look at the colours.. Isn't FALL FANTASTIC? Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Gobble Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

There are alot of things to be thankful for. I am not going to list all of them, too many things to write.

I am just going to write that I am thankful for my family and my friends. I wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for my family. I come from a pretty quirky family but we all turned out pretty great.

Enjoy the turkey everyone, i am looking forward to the cranberries!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

OCTOBER 3, 2006... 20 degrees

Can you believe it? I can't.
It's October 3, 2006 and it is literally 20 degrees outside.
I actually had my air conditoner on for a little bit this morning. Yes, I did.
I am home from work with a bad head cold and had a bit of a fever when I woke up. My heat is on in the apartment and it was swelltering in here. So I switched the air on to cool things down.
Let's see how long this weather lasts. I already put away the capri's and don't want to dig them out of the closet.

Enjoy the weather y'all.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

CIBC Run/Walk for the cure

Today was the day for the CIBC run/walk for the cure in Victoria park

The sun was peeking through the clouds and it turned out to be a wonderful day.

Man was there alot of PINK!!

It was so nice to see men, children and even pets walking/running for such a serious cause.

I saw a mother from my day care who is battling breast cancer. She and her husband ran the 5 km. Congrats Kim for a great fight. I also saw Becky, another lady I know from the day care who is a breast cancer survivor of 2 years.

There were alot of tears today. I think though that they were tears of joy knowing that maybe one day there will be a cure.

THANK YOU everyone who donated. Hopefully our donations will make a difference Posted by Picasa